




FLIP Fabrique

The challenge

When designing a performance structure, aesthetics and efficiency are the two key elements. The structure must be assembled and disassembled in a few minutes. This is why the Unisson team had to think of a strategy that would allow the artists to dismantle and assemble the structure as quickly as possible while ensuring that the engineering was reliable and safe. This structure will be put to the test as many artists will be using it in their performances on a worldwide scale and on a regular basis. In other words, the challenge was to make sure that all these parameters come together into one single piece.

The solution

As it is a complex structure, the team had to be extremely conscientious about its design and engineering. This was undoubtedly critical to the realization of the work. Without the impeccable rigour that was deployed and without a rigorous design exercise, the rest of the process – the production – could have easily gotten bogged down in details that, at first, might have seemed trivial.

The result

The resulting structure is in perfect symbiosis with the show it’s meant to serve. Everything is there: the design and engineering to ensure efficiency and safety, as well as clean manufacturing and impeccable aesthetics.

“Working with Unisson means having the certainty of a quality final product that will meet our needs!”

Alexandre Roy

Directeur de production et technique


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