

Creativity that knows no bounds.


Custom Design

Our talented team of engineers will help you finalize the design of your structures. The goal: Make it easy to bring your ideas to life through 3D modeling. The tools to make it happen: Solidworks and AutoCAD.

We support you every step of the way, from the very first sketch to the virtual final product. And we take every single parameter of your production into account to optimize your project from a functional, cost, and aesthetic perspective.


Feasibility Analysis

This is an in-depth analysis of the project and its environment aimed at validating the performance, sustainability, and safety of your structures. It also includes a cost analysis to make sure your vision is aligned with your budget and execution timeline. This process allows us to help you finalize your design with precision and honesty. Next up: It’s time to pick the best materials and components for your project.


Materials and components selection

Several elements must be considered when selecting the materials and components that will go into your equipment. Every job comes with its own set of challenges and complexities.

The materials and components include:

  • Source materials
  • Hardware
  • Motorized, pneumatic, and hydraulic components
  • Flexible materials integration (curtains, fabrics, etc.)
  • Surface finish (backlight units, mirrors, etc.)

process begins with a stress analysis. Our engineering team must first evaluate the maximum load bearing capacity of the structures, the environment they will live in, and how often they will be moved.

Although Unisson specializes in aluminum (a lightweight material prized in the entertainment industry), our team knows all about steel and how to use it properly in a variety of situations when required.

Once we’ve got the approval, we have everything we need to detail the technical drawings for manufacturing. Soon after, our team will present you the drawings as well as the installation catalog for a safe and reliable building process.


A synchronized trapeze

Le Cirque du Soleil – Alegria

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